Valley of the Queens
The tourist destinations in Luxor are many like Valley of the Queens . Luxor’s importance began when it was the capital during the New Empire. The pharaohs built a great civilization in this city because of their beliefs and religions. Most of Luxor’s tombs are located on the west bank.

One of the places of the famous royal tombs in the Valley of the Queens. This Valley is southwest of the Valley of the Kings. It was built to bury the royal wives of the Kings, the princesses, and their children from the New Empire.
The History of the Valley of the Queens
The Valley of the Queens was the place where the queens of Ancient Egypt of the XVIII, XIX, and XX dynasty were buried from 1550 B.C. to 1070 B.C. Later on the princes, princesses, and some nobles were buried. Most of the tombs were excavated in the XVIII and XIX dynasty. The place was protected by the goddess Hathor.
The Valley was known as “Ta Set Neferu” which means the place of beauty. The first tomb was discovered in 1816 (the tomb of Tyti). In 1828, 24 tombs were discovered. In 1903 the most famous and beautiful tomb was found in Luxor, the tomb of Nefertari, by the Italian Ernesto Schiaparelli who completed the discovery of the Valley until 1906.

The Construction of the Valley of the Queens
In the Valley of the Queens, there are more than 70 tombs of the queens of ancient Egypt. The tombs were excavated in the rock. The general design of the tombs is that after the entrance there is a small antechamber. Followed by a high corridor. On the sides of the corridor, there are other chambers. At the end of the corridor, it leads to the mortuary chamber.
The most famous and beautiful tomb is the tomb of Nefertari. Also, the tomb of Titi has beautiful paintings but some parts are damaged. Other tombs; Isis, Betanta, Henuttauy, Jaemuaset, Prince Menjeperre (son of Thutmosis III, Prince Ramses, Meritamon, and many others.
The Tomb of Nefertari
Queen Nefertari was a queen of the 20th dynasty. Queen Nefertari’s tomb was built by the order of her husband Ramses II in 1290 BC. The tomb is well preserved. The tomb is 27 m deep. The paintings and decorations are clear.
After the entrance on the right is an antechamber where there are scenes of offerings and drawings representing the gods Osiris, Anubis, and the goddess Hathor. The walls of the staircase leading to the burial chamber are decorated with images of divinities.

In the funerary chamber, 4 pillars show Nefertari with gods. On one of the pillars, the goddess Isis offers Queen Nefertari an Ankh (one of the ancient Egyptian symbols representing eternal life).
Excursions in the Valley of the Queens
Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Luxor’s attractions and explore up close the monuments of the great Pharaonic civilization during a magical trip by booking one of our Egypt and Nile cruise packages between Luxor and Aswan.